Taking suggestions

So I’m not really feeling the love from my blog community, and I need your help! What are some topics you would like for me to talk about? Do you have any suggestions for ways I can make my site and blog better?

I started this blog with the intention of using my knowledge and expertise from my career as an RN to help people navigate the confusing world of healthcare. I would love to be able to start my own advocacy business someday, as I believe there truly is a need for this type of service. Do you have any experience with RN navigators, or advocates? If so, how was it?

I would truly love more feedback, ideas, and suggestions!

In the meantime…..


2 thoughts on “Taking suggestions

  1. Tricia Spiliotis June 29, 2019 / 7:59 am

    Importance of medication list
    Being honest about how prescriptions affect you financially
    What to ask at your next appointment
    Understanding living wills
    How to stay engaged with the inpatient team if you can’t be there in person
    What home health can and cannot do

    • Staci June 29, 2019 / 8:19 am

      All great ideas! I especially like the importance of medication lists and the financial burden it can be, along with ways to save. I did a general post on healthcare declarations that included living wills.

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